5 Signs You Need A Holiday

With summer almost ending, those with no holiday booked have nothing to look forward to other than the end of the Monsoon. We all could use a vacation now and again; some of us want one, and some of us actually need one which is a great excuse to book one, especially with our great deals on lowest air tickets.

Here are 5 signs that you could really do with a holiday.

Lack of Enthusiasm

Are you feeling physically exhausted each day? Sighing more often, staring at your computer screen in a constant daydream and finding it harder to get out of the bed in the morning are all signs that you probably need a break. You’re completely demotivated, and no wonder! How can you be enthusiastic if you haven’t got a holiday to look forward to? 

Comfort Eating

It’s actually been proven that comfort eating is the biggest sign that you need a break. OnePoll revealed in a survey that over half of people who didn’t take regular breaks actually felt more stressed, which meant that they would cope by comfort eating. So if you’ve been over indulging lately, then this could be a tell-tale sign that you need to get away. 

Holiday Envy

It’s entirely normal to feel an ache in your chest when you see social media posts of family and friends enjoying their holidays, but when your envy turns into bitter jealousy (you start becoming angry with others for going on holiday) then you should probably get yourself to a beach…ASAP…

A Dusty Suitcase

Let’s face it; if your suitcase has gathered a large amount of dust, then it’s obviously been too long since your last holiday. Book low-cost airfares with Traveasy so that you can wipe that dust away and jet set on your travels! 

Holiday Blues

When you find yourself constantly looking at old holiday snaps and sinking into a state of sadness and emptiness, that’s a big sign that you need another holiday. Taking the time off to visit somewhere different takes those holidays blues away and gives you something to look forward to. 

If more than one of the above situations applies to you, then you definitely meet the requirements of needing a holiday. Do yourself a good deed and book one now!