Follow The Greener Pastures All The Way To Sri Lanka

For those who have never been to Sri Lanka, the island will turn out to be a wonderful surprise for them on their first trip. And the same is going to happen on every subsequent trip that they make to this island country. Such is the charm of Sri Lanka. Every time feels like the very first time with this erstwhile Ceylon. And rightly so, since the entire landscape get painted in a whole new shade every morning by the island gods who are bit too king on the common folk and whoever wants to join them for the time being via international flights.

If you are here to escape the white noise of the urban kingdom back home then what better place to do so but at the Yala National Park. This park is one of the most visited tourism destination in Sri Lanka and when it comes to national parks, no other site gets more tourists then this one. The entire area is divided into five main blocks, each of which is treated as an individual entity dedicated to conserving one species or the other. The two main blocks which are visited most often includes the Kumana National Park and the Ruhuna National Park. Around 215 bird species, 44 mammal species and 18 amphibian species have been extensively recorded here. Out of all these, six bird species and five reptile specie are endemic to this country. If you want to be on the guest list here too then get on the cheap international flight routed to here today.

Though this sanctuary is quite famous for its rich biodiversity but still there are few animals that form the major share of the local population. Elephants, aquatic birds and the elephants form the majority here the park authorities have contributed considerably in making this happen. The records also state that it has one of the highest densities of leopard population in the world. The reason that this park turns out to be a suitable habitat for so many bird and animal species is because it has one too many ecosystems present within its area. Semi deciduous forests, marine wetlands, moist monsoon forests and sandy beaches are one of the many ways in which nature has laid out this park for everyone who is interested in visiting it via easy booking of international tickets to this enchanting speck of land on sparkling waters of Indian Ocean.